What Iran Sanctions Won’t Do and What They Can Do
by Rabbi Daniel M.
World Defense Review.com / Codex-Politics.com, 17
February 2010
American Thinker.com / Intellectual Conservative.com, 22
February 2010
Recently President Obama promised
strict and biting sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran for its continued
refusal to curtail its nuclear program or even to enter serious negotiations.
Such sanctions, and even embargoes, will not cause Iran’s current government of
Supreme Leader Ali Khamene’i and his chosen representative, President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, to reverse course and terminate the nuclear program. In truth, nothing will convince the present Iranian
regime to retreat on its mad rush to become a nuclear power. Khamene’i and his
coterie of Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) supporters regard the nuclear
card as their one ace-in-the-hole that will keep them in power and in control
of Iran. For Khamene’i, Ahmadinejad, and the IRGC, giving up the nuclear card
is tantamount to surrendering to the ever mounting opposition to their corrupt
rule. Hell will freeze over five times before this cabal will stop seeking
nuclear arms.
So, if sanctions and even embargoes will not stop the mad mullahs,
what’s to be done? Is all out war the only option left? Is the nuclear clock
about to strike midnight?
Sanctions and embargoes still have an important role to play, but we must
understand what that role is. Putting economic pressure on Iran will not cause
its leadership to reverse course, but it can convince the majority of lower
class Iranians—who until now have not opposed the regime—that this regime is
more concerned about its own power than it is about the average Iranian’s
welfare. The presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been a deep disappointment
to most Iranians. Candidate Ahmadinejad
promised in 2005 that he would introduce economic reforms and he was swept to
power on an anti-corruption platform that basically promised “a chicken in ever
Persian pot in the country.” Four years later it was clear to all that reforms
hadn’t occurred and that the economy had
worsened considerably, due in large measure to the huge sums spent financing
Iran’s terror proxies abroad (Hezbollah, Hizballah-Iraq, Hamas, al-Qaeda-AP
[in the Arabian Peninsula] Islamic Jihad) as well as the huge sums spent
on the nuclear and missile programs. Tired of being fleeced, the Iranian
electorate voted for a change last year. Iranians discovered just how corrupt
their government had become when Ahmadinejad was declared the winner by a
two-thirds majority the day after the elections, when not all of the votes had
been counted! As the actual vote had been a two-thirds majority for Mir Hussein
Mousavi, the Green Revolution began to gather steam as more and more Iranians
began to question the legitimacy of their government. When Khamene’i—who until
then as Supreme Leader was viewed as above the fray—sided with Ahmadinejad, the
populous turned against the regime.
As if the current government wasn’t unpopular enough, it recently decided to
end the economic subsidies program that has been in place for thirty
years—subsidies in everything from gasoline to the price of chicken, eggs, and
bread. For the lower classes, the loss of the subsidies will prove exceedingly
painful. Inflation last year was 28%; without the subsidies, basic food stuffs
may see triple digit inflation. With about 25% of the population unemployed,
and most of that group under 30 years of age, the Persian pot is bubbling, to
say the least.
Sanctions and embargoes—of everything other than food and medicine—would
ratchet up the pressure to the point that the Iranian in the street will say:
“Enough of this corrupt regime.” Already the street demonstrations have been
ringing for nearly nine months with the chant: “Na ghazeh na lobnan janam fadai iran”—“Neither Gaza nor Lebanon is
our business; no to Gaza and no to Lebanon. Iran is our business, and I give my
life for that!”—indicating the popular displeasure with the Iranian regime’s
support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Hizballah-Iraq.
It is important to realize that the economic pressure of sanctions and
embargoes have their place in our war with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and
make no mistake, we are engaged in a war which this Iranian regime began with
us in 1979. Economic war affects the lower classes before it does the
privileged of the regime; that is regrettable.
But if our economic war is accompanied with a campaign to support the
Green Revolution in the same manner that we supported the color revolutions in
Poland and the rest of eastern Europe, the Iranian people will know that we
ultimately seek their freedom, and they will respond positively.
There is one additional thing that President Barack H. Obama and Secretary
of State Hilary R. Clinton can do if they really want to get Tehran’s
attention: they can follow the lead of the United Kingdom and the European
Union and remove the false, politically-motivated “terrorist” label from the
leading Iranian opposition movement—the National Council of Resistance of Iran
(NCRI) and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). Not only
will Tehran finally have reason to take us seriously, but the Iranian people
will realize that we really are on their side against the mullahs and
the IRGC.
It’s important to realize what sanctions can and cannot do. Now it’s time
to use them to bring down the corrupt regime of Khamene’i, Ahmadinejad, and
their IRGC thug supporters with the help of the Iranian people itself.
Nur azadi mi-ayad, Inshallah!
(Farsi: By the grace of God, the light of freedom is coming!)
Rabbi Daniel M. Zucker is founder and Chairman of the Board of Americans for Democracy in the Middle-East, a grassroots organization dedicated to teaching our
elected officials and the public of the dangers posed by Islamic fundamentalism
and the need to establish in the Middle-East genuine democratic institutions that
promote the dignity of the individual as an antidote to the venom of
fundamentalism. He may be contacted at contact@ADME.ws.
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