Understanding Our Enemies
by Rabbi Daniel M.
Zucker, D. D.
World Defense Review, November 9, 2010
World Security Network / Codes of Tolerance, November
19, 2010
OSINT (“Understanding
Our Enemies--Sun Tzu”), November 15, 2010
The sixth century before the
Common Era Chinese philosopher-general Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War,[i]
emphasized the importance of understanding one’s enemy. That is a rule of warfare
that we ignore at great peril to our success and ultimately to the preservation
of our freedom. In our ongoing war with Islamic radical fundamentalism, it
appears that our political leadership fails to grasp the significance of the
ideology of both Sunni and Shiite radical fundamentalists.[ii] Our
ability to defeat al-Qaeda and other Sunni radicals, as well as to
defeat the Shiite Islamic Republic of Iran (both groups being at war with the United States
and the West in general) will remain seriously compromised until we understand
well what drives them and what it is that they ultimately wish to accomplish.[iii]
At one level, the job of
comprehending radical Islam is not difficult at all. This task is simple
because the Islamists are very vocal about what they want to accomplish, which
is the establishment of a Moslem caliphate or universal Moslem empire.[iv] Much more difficult is the mission of causing our
leaders to confront the threats and to deal properly with them.[v]
One thing should be most clear to all by now: given the opportunity, the
Islamist radical will do his utmost to impose his will upon the world, whether or
not we are willing to submit.
Unfortunately, too many of our
leaders believe that everything has a price-tag attached to it, and if one can
only discover what that price is, it is possible to negotiate, barter, or pay,
and thus solve the problem. Since this market-place strategy operates well
within Western political systems, it is assumed that it can be just as
efficient when used in dealing with Islamic radicals. However, the Islamist radical is a “true
believer” whose beliefs and convictions are not for sale. He/she is willing to
die for his/her beliefs, and so market-place strategies have no influence upon
him/her. The only price that the Islamist is willing to accept is our surrender
or capitulation; that price-tag is too high to pay for anyone who treasures
To date, too few Western leaders
have taken Iranian leaders like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad[vi]
or Ali Khamenei[vii] at
their word when they say that Israel
must disappear from the map and/or the pages of history. And while it is
doubtful that Iran has plans to implement the immediate fulfillment of its
anti-Israel campaign, there should be little question that the current Iranian government
is attempting to establish its hegemony over the region[viii]
and sees Israel[ix] as well
as the United States[x] as
an impediment that needs to be removed in order to establish that hegemony.[xi]
The recent visit of Ahmadinejad to Lebanon , and to south Lebanon in particular,
should serve to awaken our leaders to the fact that Iran is extending its influence[xii]
and drawing more nations into its anti-Western axis.
The Islamic Republic of Iran
(IRI) has consistently used the same tactics for thirty years: it has employed
proxies to do its biding.[xiii]
Whether one is considering Hamas, Hizballah, Jihad Islami, al-Qaeda, or the Taliban,
it is the IRI that has trained, supplied, and aided both Sunni[xiv]
and Shiite[xv]
jihadists in its ongoing thirty-plus year war with the West,[xvi] and
continues to do so.[xvii]
It should not be naively assumed
that the Islamist attack against the West will end should the State of Israel
disappear from the map. The Islamists’ desire to impose shari‘ah law is
not limited to the Dar al-Islam
(Islamic world);[xviii] it
is a step in the program of converting the Dar al-Harb (the
non-Islamic world) and absorbing it into the Dar al-Islam.[xix] Islamists
increasingly are moving into an aggressive mode in their belief that they are
succeeding in their quest.[xx] We
in the West need to step out of our own egocentric weltanschauung and begin to comprehend the mindset of the
Islamist. Until we comprehend his thinking, we cannot succeed in planning
adequately to countermand his plans and objectives.
One of the first things that we
need to understand about the Islamist is his sense of history and the direction
of its tide. The Islamist believes that history ultimately is on his side; he
believes that Islam will eventually prevail and conquer the globe. Total
success may require centuries, but he is convinced that Islam is winning. And
in terms of sheer numbers of adherents, the Islamist has reason to believe as
he does. While western European countries continue to welcome large numbers of
Moslem immigrants into their territory without assimilating them into their
respective cultures, Islamists throughout Europe [xxi]
and North America [xxii]
have succeeded in radicalizing the mosques and Islamic education centers. When
the Ikhwan (the Muslim Brotherhood)’s Supreme Guide, Muhammad
Badi‘, can publicly call for Moslems worldwide to join a jihad against
the West,[xxiii] we
should begin to realize the size and nature of the conflict in which we are
being engaged.[xxiv]
Nor should jihad be
understood only in terms of martial actions; jihad can and does take the
form of economic warfare and subterfuge.[xxv] Stuart
Levey, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and
Financial Intelligence, [xxvi]
has led a brilliant campaign to counteract the Islamists’ jihad against
the United States ,
but his work and that of his fellows at Treasury have been isolated examples of
the necessary effort that must be expended in order to defeat our enemies. Too
many staffers at the State Department and too many advisors in Congress and the
White House are woefully ignorant of the threats from radical Islam—whether it
is in the form of sleeper cells of al-Qaeda or from agents of the IRI
and its allies and proxies.[xxvii]
So too, our intelligence agencies need to be more aggressive in determining
changing patterns and alliances in the Moslem world. The radical change of
direction of Turkey
under Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the
AKP, and its alliances[xxviii] with Iran
and Syria
are examples of situations that need to be anticipated and assessed in a more
timely manner, allowing us to protect our intelligence and that of our key
allies. Turkey ’s
drift into the Islamist camp has not occurred overnight[xxix]—it has been occurring in incremental steps over most of
the last eight years since the AKP came to power. Yet, it appears that our
government has been taken by surprise by these changes, and others,[xxx] and been slow to adjust to them.
In summation,
Sun Tzu’s sage advice becomes imperative for us if we are to win the war with
radical Islam. Our enemies are “in for the long haul”; we had better realize
that we too, need to be prepared and dedicated to winning this war—however long
it takes—and winning it decisively.
Rabbi Daniel M. Zucker is founder and Chairman of the Board of Americans for Democracy in the Middle-East, a
grassroots organization dedicated to teaching our elected officials and the
public of the dangers posed by Islamic fundamentalism and the need to establish
genuine democratic institutions in the Middle-East as an antidote to the venom
of fundamentalism. He may be contacted at contact@ADME.ws.
[i] Sun Tzu,
The Art of War”, The Internet Classics Archive, c. 1994-2009, http://classics.mit.edu/Tzu/artwar.html.
Caroline B. Glick, “Our World: The Age of Dissimulation”, The Jerusalem Post,
November 2, 2010 ,
[iii] World Islamic Front Statement,
“Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders”, al-Quds al-Arabi, February 23, 1998 , http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/980223-fatwa.htm
and http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/fatw2.htm.
Khalifah, “The Obligation to Establish the Systems of Islam”, Islamic World,
(no date), http://www.islamic-world.net/khalifah/establish_systems.htm.
[v] Jeffrey
Imm, “The Dangerous Denial of Jihad’s
Threat”, Counterterrorism Blog, October 15, 2007 , http://counterterrorismblog.org/2007/10/jihad_is_not_a_joke.php.
[vi] Middle East Media Research
Institute (MEMRI) Special Dispatch Series, No. 1013, October 28,2005 : “Iranian President at
Teheran Conference: ‘Imam [Khomeini] said: “This regime that is occupying Quds
must be eliminated from the pages of history.” This sentence is very
wise....Today, [Israel] seeks, satanically and deceitfully, to gain control of
the front of war....If someone is under the pressure of hegemonic power [i.e.,
the West] and understands that something is wrong, or he is naïve, or he is an
egotist and his hedonism leads him to recognize the Zionist regime, he should
know that he will burn in the fire of the Islamic Ummah [nation]....Oh
dear people, look at this global arena. By whom are we confronted? We must
understand the depth of the disgrace imposed on us by the enemy, until our holy
hatred expands continuously and strikes like a wave.’ ”.
[vii] “Iran Leader Urges Destruction
of ‘Cancerous’ Israel ,”
CNN, December 15, 2000 :
“We have repeatedly said that this cancerous tumor of a state should be removed
from the region.”
[viii] For
Iranian interference in Afghanistan , see: Hamid Shalizi, “Ousted Afghan
governor warns of Iranian influence”, Reuters, October 25, 2010, http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE69O0HC20101025,
and Simon Tisdall, “Iran’s covert operations in Afghanistan”, The Guardian,
July 25, 2010, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jul/25/iran-backing-taliban-alqaida-afghanistan;
for Iranian interference in Iraq, see: Bill Roggio, “Iranian-backed Shia terror
group remains a threat in Iraq: General Odierno”, The Long War Journal,
July 13, 2010, http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2010/07/iranianbacked_shia_t_1.php.
Concerning Iranian interference in Yemen and Saudi Arabia ,
see: Dr. Reuven Erlich, et.al., “Geopolitically
strategic Yemen has become a focus of local Iranian-Saudi Arabian strife”, Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, October 1, 2009, http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/iran_e025.htm,
and Dr. Reuven Erlich, et.al., “Yemen announced that it seized an Iranian arms ship
carrying weapons for the Shi’ite rebels in the country’s north”, Intelligence and Terrorism
Information Center, November 5, 2009, http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/iran_e036.htm.
[ix] See the sub-section ‘The Ultimate Injustice: The
Creation of Israel’ (pp.19ff) in Karim Sadjadpour, Reading Khamenei: The
World View of Iran’s Most Powerful Leader, Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, Washington, DC, 2008, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/sadjadpour_iran_final2.pdf.
Michael R. Gordon and Andrew W. Lehren, “Leaked
Reports Detail Iran’s Aid for Iraqi Militias”, The New York Times,
October 22, 2010, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/23/world/middleeast/23iran.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all
, and Viola Gienger and
Tony Capaccio, “Iran aid for Iraqi militias outlined in leak documents”,
Bloomberg.com, October 23, 2010, http://www.iranfocus.com/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22050:iran-aid-for-iraqi-militias-outlined-in-leak-documents&catid=7:iraq&Itemid=29.
[xi] Dore Gold, “Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas and the Global Jihad:
A New Conflict
Paradigm for the West, Executive Summary”, The Jerusalem Center for Public
affairs, January 2007, http://www.jcpa.org/JCPA/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&LNGID=1&TMID=111&FID=379&PID=0&IID=1491.
[xii] Rana
Moussaoui/AFP, “Ahmadinejad sends message to US through Lebanon visit”,
Middle East Online, October
15, 2010 , http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=41963.
[xiii] Walid
Phares, “Iran ’s
Global Terrorist Reach”, in Focus Quarterly, Summer 2010 (Vol. IV:2), http://www.jewishpolicycenter.org/1747/iran-global-terrorist-reach.
[xiv] See Con Coughlin, “Teheran ‘Secretly Trains’ Chechens to Fight
in Russia,” Sunday
Telegraph (London),
November 27, 2005, http://www.mailarchive.com/osint@yahoogroups.com/msg16716.html, and Ioannis Michaletos, “Iran in Bosnia during the 90’s & early
00’s, Parts 1”, International Analyst Network, February 8, 2008, http://www.analyst-network.com/article.php?art_id=1684,
“Iran in Bosnia during the 90’s & early 00’s, Parts 2”, International
Analyst Network, February 10, 2008, http://www.analyst-network.com/article.php?art_id=1686,
and “Iran in Bosnia during the 90’s & early 00’s, Parts 3”, International
Analyst Network, February 10, 2008, http://www.analyst-network.com/article.php?art_id=1687,
as well as Ioannis Michaletos, “Iran's soft power
reach in the Balkans”, International Analyst Network, October 24,
2010, http://www.analyst-network.com/article.php?art_id=3610.
[xv] Bill
Roggio, “Iran backs three Shia terror
groups in Iraq :
General Odierno”, The Long War Journal, July
22, 2010 , http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2010/07/iran_backs_three_shi.php.
Raymond van Doornik, “Iran ’s
Link to European Terrorists”, International Review, Winter 1995-1996, http://www.int-review.org/terr10a.html.
CNN Wire Staff, “U.S: Syria, Iran and Hezbollah
undermine Lebanon”, CNN World, October 28, 2010, http://articles.cnn.com/2010-10-28/world/lebanon.un.attacks_1_hezbollah-massive-car-bombing-syria?_s=PM:WORLD, and http://articles.cnn.com/2010-10-28/world/lebanon.un.attacks_1_hezbollah-massive-car-bombing-syria/2?_s=PM:WORLD.
See also: Jon Gambrell/ The Associated Press, “Nigeria: Shipper confirms weapons came from Iran”, The Washington Post, October
30, 2010, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/30/AR2010103001344.html,
as well as: Exclusive Report, “Iran’s Revolutionary Guards recruiting
“terrorists”, Iran Focus, October 28, 2010, http://www.iranfocus.com/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22095:irans-revolutionary-guards-recruiting-terrorists&catid=29:exclusive-reports&Itemid=42.
[xviii] See the recently published very comprehensive
report of The Center for Security
Policy, Shariah: The Threat to America (An Exercise in Competitive
Analysis—Report of Team ‘B’ II), Center for Security Policy Press,
Washington, DC, 2010, http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article%20pdfs/Shariah%20-%20The%20Threat%20to%20America%20(Team%20B%20Report)%2009142010.pdf.
See Stuart Ford, “How virtual Internet Jihad
can become real”, The Daily Clarity, October 15, 2010 , http://mydailyclarity.com/2010/01/can-virtual-jihad-turn-real/.
See also: Bojan Pancevski, “Saudis
fund Balkan Muslims spreading hate of the West”, The Sunday Times, March 28, 2010 , http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article7078771.ece,
and Ioannis Michaletos, “An outlook of radical Islamism in Bosnia ”, World
Security Network, November
1, 2010 , http://www.worldsecuritynetwork.com/showArticle3.cfm?article_id=18441&topicID=32.
[xx] Barry
Rubin, “Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America ; Will America
Notice?”, World Security Network, October 28, 2010 , http://www.worldsecuritynetwork.com/showArticle3.cfm?article_id=18440&topicID=66.
Also see original document: MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 3274, “Muslim Brotherhood Supreme
Guide: ‘The U.S.
Is Now Experiencing the Beginning of Its End’; Improvement and Change in the
Muslim World ‘Can Only Be Attained Through Jihad and Sacrifice’”, MEMRI,
October 6, 2010 , http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/4650.htm.
[xxi] Aya
Burweila, “A Balkan Blowback: Saudi Radicalization in Bosnia and
Beyond (Part I)”, RIEAS, October
4, 2010 , http://www.rieas.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1322:a-balkan-blowback-saudi-radicalization-in-bosnia-and-beyond-part-i-&catid=22&Itemid=69.
Haviv Rettig, “Saudis Have Radicalized 80% of US Mosques”, The Jerusalem
Post, December 5, 2005, http://osint.internet-haganah.com/archives/000044.html;
for the complete text, see: The Candid Eye, September 26, 2009, http://thecandideye.wordpress.com/2009/09/26/saudis-have-radicalized-80-of-us-mosques/.
Author’s note: Although anecdotal, scores of Iranian Moslem acquaintances, many
of whom are very devout, have suggested that the radicalization rate is
actually above 95%, and as a result, they no longer attend services at the
mosque, choosing to pray in private or in a non-Mosque (non-radical) setting.
[xxiii] Ibid,
MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 3274.
Raymond Ibrahim, “Offensive Jihad: The One Incontrovertible Problem with
Islam”, Pajamas Media / Middle East Forum, October 28, 2010 , http://www.meforum.org/2767/offensive-jihad.
See Christopher Holton, “Fighting Jihad on
Wall Street”, in Focus Quarterly, Summer 2008 (Vol. II:2), http://www.jewishpolicycenter.org/228/fighting-jihad-on-wall-street
[xxvi] Who
Runs Gov, “Stuart A. Levey”, The Washington
Post, (no date), http://www.whorunsgov.com/Profiles/Stuart_A._Levey
[xxvii] See
Daniel M. Zucker, “The
Roots of Washington’s Failures in Dealing with Rogue Regimes”, Global
Politician, March 29,
2010 , http://www.globalpolitician.com/26320-foreign-policy.
[xxviii] Ariel Cohen, “Turkey ’s New
Threat Assessment: A Challenge for Washington ”,
The Foundry, November
2, 2010 , http://blog.heritage.org/2010/11/02/turkey%E2%80%99s-new-threat-assessment-a-challenge-for-washington/.
[xxix] Soner Cagaptay, Hale Arifagaoglu and Cansin Ersoz, “How Turkey is Changing”, Soner’s Desk by
Soner Cagaptay, November 4, 2010, http://sonersdesk.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-turkey-is-changing.html.
[xxx] Scott
M. Thomas, “A Globalized God: Religion’s Growing Influence in International
Affairs”, Foreign Affairs, November/December 2010, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/66804/scott-m-thomas/a-globalized-god?.
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