The Roots of Washington ’s Failures in Dealing with “Rogue
by Rabbi Daniel M.
American Thinker, Global Politician, Intellectual
Conservative, 29 March 2010
The United States has had a lousy track
record in dealing with “rogue regimes” for at least the past three decades.
There are very few successes that Washington
can claim in its attempts to wean such rogue states back into the council of civility,
especially from among rogue Islamic states and/or liberation movements. Why is
this so? Is American diplomacy inherently inept? Does the American Foreign
Service mis-train its students? Why can’t the U.S. Department of State get it
right? Why is American foreign policy such a dismal failure when dealing with
Islamic and/or totalitarian rogue regimes?
The primary source of failure
starts with the inability to comprehend the mentality—the worldview—of Islamic and/or
totalitarian regimes. Most Americans approach politics with a western mentality
which accepts that diplomacy is the art of political horse-trading. That is to
say, in the West, we conceive of everything as having a market value—all is for
sale—if one can only find the right price. The Islamists, on the other hand,
are true believers, and there is no price that can be put on their beliefs. We
approach them as if we’re meeting in the marketplace, and they approach us as
if we’re meeting in a mosque. And if our foe is not Islamist but rather some
other form of totalitarian regime, we fail to recognize that its highest (and
sometimes sole) priority is self-preservation. In short, we are speaking
totally different languages, even when conversing in a common tongue.
Ancillary to our primary problem
is our western tendency to Pollyannaish optimism that everyone is ultimately
working to improve the world, and that it’s only unfortunate misunderstandings
that prevent successes in diplomacy. We are often woefully naïve when it comes
to understanding our enemies and their motivations. We fail to comprehend what
they say and we are very often far more trusting of them than the record of their
past history warrants. Put succinctly:
we fail to do adequate homework to truly understand what motivates and drives our
If we add to these deficiencies
in American diplomatic efforts the fact that very few of our diplomats can speak
and also read Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Pashto, or Korean, we may begin to see why we
seem so woefully uninformed of what the other side really thinks. Unless we are
able to access the native speech and writing of our adversaries, we act like
one blindfolded swinging at a piñata. That is no way to conduct the vital
business of protecting our country from those that would like to do it and us permanent
One other deficiency comes to
mind as well. How many of our diplomats or Foreign Service personnel have
bothered to read the primary documents of the other side? If we are talking
about anything Islamic it is imperative to have a degree of familiarity with
the Koran as well as the outlines of Shari ‘a
law. If we are talking of Hamas, one should be very familiar with the Hamas
Charter as well. If we are talking about the Islamic Republic of Iran, one had better
understand Khomeini’s doctrine of Velayat-e Faqih and comprehend the
methodologies of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and VEVAK (the
Ministry of Intelligence and Security, Iran ’s version of the KGB). The
same applies for all our Taliban and al-Qaida enemies as well,
and all the other jihadi groups and movements worldwide. If we don’t
know what they stand for, we will not be adequately prepared to counteract
their moves against us. How many of our Middle-East experts have read the
Syrian constitution? How many are capable of analyzing the writings and
statements of Nouri al-Maliki? How many know what Mahmoud Abbas and Salam
Fayyad say in Arabic? Until we are capable in such areas, we will not succeed
in forging the alliances that will strengthen us and help defeat our foes as we
will not be able to distinguish who is really our friend and who is once again
“pulling the wool over our eyes”.
Those who handle our foreign
policy must be able to comprehend adequately the threats that emanate from those
rogue regimes and their terrorist proxies by having a comprehensive and broad
training in the beliefs, methodologies, and mores of our adversaries. Diplomacy
today must be more than the art of cutting a deal—diplomats and Foreign Service
personnel need to be much more than glorified used car salesmen. They need to
be specialists in all the areas mentioned above. Today’s world is much too
dangerous for our diplomatic corps to be playing a game; our continued
existence as a civilization requires that we make the right decisions in
foreign policy. And that is only possible when we understand in depth with whom
it is that we are dealing.
Rabbi Daniel M. Zucker is founder and Chairman of the Board of Americans for Democracy in the Middle-East, a
grassroots organization dedicated to teaching our elected officials and the
public of the dangers posed by Islamic fundamentalism and the need to establish
genuine democratic institutions in the Middle-East as an antidote to the venom
of fundamentalism. He may be contacted at
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