Textbooks Tell the Tale: Iran's Apocalyptic Vision
American Thinker, June 12, 2015
Recently, Yoram Ettinger, a retired Israeli ambassador, published an article in Israel Hayom entitled “Iran’s School Textbooks – Can Congress afford to ignore it?” The article provides evidence suggesting that Iran, under the leadership of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his mullah associates and Iranian Revolution Guard Corps followers, is far from moderating its antithetical stance against the United States, Israel, and the West. That suggestion is hardly news – one only needs to look at any statement from Khamenei or any of his IRGC officers to come to the same conclusion. What is unusual is Ambassador Ettinger’s use of research carried out by the Institute of Monitoring Peace and Tolerance in School Education to make his point.
Citing Hebrew University professor Eldad J. Pardo’s report, Ettinger points out that Iran’s educational system is intensively preparing the next generation for self-sacrifice in an apocalyptic jihad against the West. Ettinger astutely indicates that the school curricula of a state reflect the strategy and tactics that it wishes to pursue far more accurately than public statements made by its political and/or military leaders or their diplomats. Textbooks are the means by which the Iranian regime wishes to mobilize its youth to enlist in its ongoing war – both culturally and militarily – against the West.
Ettinger writes: “Thus, school textbooks constitute a very accurate detector of the nature, mission and legitimacy/illegitimacy of regimes, and their expected use of nuclear capabilities.” When one adds another crucial point that Ettinger makes – “Apocalyptic regimes are induced – not deterred – by Mutual Assured Destruction” – one sees that the current P5+1 “Framework to Prevent Iran from Acquiring a Nuclear Weapon” is woefully lacking in teeth to force Iran’s compliance because the Iranians refuse to permit snap inspections at all their sites.
Given the record of Iran’s deceit for over three decades, its attempts to keep the nuclear program completely clandestine, its continued violations of the current U.N. sanctions, its ongoing desire to spread its Islamic revolution far and wide, and its abysmal record on human rights – as well as its endless appetite to support terrorism – it behooves all to reject the current “Framework” deal with its absurd “signing incentive” of $50 billion and quick relaxation of sanctions – the only stick that forced the Iranians to negotiate in the first place. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has frequently said, the alternative to this bad deal is not war; it’s a better deal. The “Framework” is a bad deal – it will bring nuclear war rather than prevent it. And as Ettinger demonstrates, that may be exactly what Supreme Leader Khamenei wants.
Rabbi Dr. Daniel M. Zucker is founder and chairman of the board of Americans for Democracy in the Middle-East, a grassroots organization dedicated to teaching the public and its elected officials of the need to promote genuine democratic institutions throughout the Middle East region as an antidote to the dangers posed by Islamic fundamentalism. He may be contacted at contact@ADME.ws.
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